Position Paper + Some logistics of Open Agenda!
Hi everyone! Hope your week has been going splendidly. First of all, thank you to everyone who has turned in a position paper already! My dias and I truly appreciate the effort you put in since I know it’s not easy writing a research paper like this. For those of you who still have not turned it in, don’t worry! There’s still time until BMUN to turn in your position paper, and even though you won’t be eligible for a research award, you will still be eligible for a committee award and you will get some valuable feedback from us before committee actually starts! I have gotten a few questions about how the open agenda portion of PRESS is going to be run. For the most part, open agenda is very flexible and is meant to be a learning experience for everyone on how to construct a well-written editorial without forgetting the subtle nuances that each media outlet carries with them. To achieve this goal, open agenda will be run as a perpetual unmoderated caucus. This means that there wil...